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Voltarol – Overview, Generic Name, and Classification as a Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID)


$0,51 for pill


Active ingredient: Diclofenac

Dosage: 100mg

Voltarol: A Closer Look at the Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug

When it comes to finding relief from pain and inflammation, Voltarol is one popular option that comes to mind. But have you ever wondered what exactly Voltarol is and how it works? In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of Voltarol, its generic name diclofenac, and its classification as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).

1. What is Voltarol?

Voltarol, also known as diclofenac, is a medication that belongs to the class of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is widely used to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation in various conditions.

2. Generic Name: Diclofenac

Voltarol’s generic name is diclofenac, a term you may not be as familiar with as the brand name itself. However, it is essential to know both names, as diclofenac is widely-available and can often be found in more affordable generic versions of the medication.

Did you know? Diclofenac is also sold under other brand names such as Cataflam, Cambia, and Zipsor.

3. Classification as an NSAID

As mentioned earlier, Voltarol is classified as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). NSAIDs work by reducing inflammation and relieving pain caused by conditions such as arthritis, muscle sprains, and menstrual cramps. They achieve this by inhibiting the production of specific chemicals, known as prostaglandins, in the body.

Pro Tip: NSAIDs are not limited to Voltarol alone. Other familiar NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen.

NSAIDs like Voltarol offer significant benefits, making them widely used in medical practice. However, it’s essential to use them responsibly and follow the recommended dosage and duration of treatment to minimize potential risks.


In conclusion, Voltarol is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that contains the active ingredient diclofenac. As an NSAID, it helps reduce pain and inflammation by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins in the body. Understanding the generic name diclofenac and the classification as an NSAID can help you make informed choices when seeking relief from pain and inflammation.

For more detailed information on Voltarol, diclofenac, and NSAIDs in general, you can refer to reputable sources such as:

Remember, always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication or treatment plan.

The Versatility of Voltarol: Uses and Effectiveness

When it comes to pain relief, Voltarol has proven to be a reliable and popular choice. This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, also known by its generic name diclofenac, has gained a reputation for its effectiveness in alleviating a wide range of conditions. Let us explore the various uses and its efficiency in each case.

1. Osteoarthritis Relief

One of the most common applications of Voltarol is in the treatment of osteoarthritis. This degenerative joint disease affects millions of people worldwide, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. By targeting the underlying inflammation, Voltarol provides effective pain relief, improving the quality of life for those suffering from this condition.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis Management

Another condition where Voltarol proves its worth is in the management of rheumatoid arthritis. This chronic inflammatory disorder can be debilitating, causing joint swelling, pain, and stiffness. Voltarol aids in reducing these symptoms, allowing individuals to manage their condition with greater ease and comfort.

3. Muscle and Joint Inflammation

Voltarol’s anti-inflammatory properties also make it a go-to solution for muscle and joint inflammation. Whether it’s due to an injury, overexertion, or a chronic condition like tendinitis, Voltarol helps alleviate pain, reduce swelling, and improve mobility, promoting a faster recovery.

4. Menstrual Pain Relief

For women who experience the discomfort and pain associated with menstrual cramps, Voltarol has shown to be a valuable ally. By targeting the inflammation contributing to the pain, it provides relief, allowing women to carry on with their daily activities without discomfort.

5. Post-Operative Pain Management

After a surgical procedure, pain management is pivotal for a smooth recovery. Voltarol’s pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent choice for post-operative pain management. By reducing swelling and discomfort, it helps individuals recover faster, with minimal pain.

6. Migraine Relief

Migraines can be excruciatingly painful and often debilitating. Voltarol has proven to be effective in alleviating the intensity and duration of migraines, providing relief to those who suffer from this neurological condition. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the inflammation associated with migraines, resulting in improved comfort.

Effectiveness and Safety

Voltarol, with its active ingredient diclofenac, has a long-standing track record of effectiveness in treating various painful conditions. However, it is essential to understand that like any medication, it may not be suitable for everyone and may have potential side effects. It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting Voltarol or any medication.

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According to authoritative sources like the NHS and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Voltarol is generally safe when used as directed. However, it is vital to follow the prescribed dosage, inform healthcare professionals of any existing medical conditions or allergies, and discuss potential interactions with other medications.

While Voltarol offers effective pain relief, it is essential to note that it is a prescription medication in some countries. It is always wise to consult a healthcare professional to determine if Voltarol is suitable for your specific needs and to receive proper guidance on its usage.

In conclusion, Voltarol (diclofenac) has proven its versatility and effectiveness in treating various painful conditions, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle and joint inflammation, menstrual pain, post-operative pain, and migraines. By targeting inflammation, Voltarol provides relief, allowing individuals to manage their discomfort and regain their quality of life.


$0,51 for pill


Active ingredient: Diclofenac

Dosage: 100mg

How Does Voltarol Work to Relieve Pain and Inflammation?

When it comes to managing pain and inflammation, Voltarol is a widely recognized and highly effective medication. Voltarol, also known by its generic name diclofenac, belongs to a class of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Let’s delve deeper into how Voltarol works to alleviate pain and inflammation in the body.

The Mechanism of Action

Voltarol works by inhibiting the production of certain chemicals in the body known as prostaglandins. These chemicals are responsible for promoting pain, inflammation, and fever. By reducing the production of prostaglandins, Voltarol helps to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.

Prostaglandins are produced when there is tissue damage or inflammation. They act as messengers between cells and play a crucial role in the inflammatory response. When prostaglandin levels are high, they increase blood flow to the affected area, causing swelling, redness, and pain.

By blocking the enzymes involved in the production of prostaglandins, Voltarol effectively reduces pain and inflammation associated with various conditions such as arthritis, muscle aches, menstrual cramps, and sports injuries.

Different Formulations of Voltarol

Voltarol is available in various formulations, including tablets, capsules, gels, and patches. Each formulation offers unique benefits depending on the nature of the pain or inflammation you are experiencing.

  • Voltarol Tablets and Capsules: These are typically used for systemic relief, meaning the medication travels through the bloodstream to provide pain relief throughout the body.
  • Voltarol Emulgel: This topical gel is ideal for localized pain relief, as it can be applied directly to the affected area for targeted relief.
  • Voltarol Medicated Plaster: This innovative plaster contains diclofenac and can be applied directly to the skin for up to 12 hours of continuous pain relief.

Benefits and Considerations

Voltarol offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking relief from pain and inflammation:

  • Effective relief: Voltarol has a proven track record of effectively reducing pain and inflammation, helping individuals regain their mobility and enjoy a better quality of life.
  • Wide range of applications: Voltarol can be used for various conditions, including arthritis, tendonitis, sprains, strains, and back pain.
  • Convenience: With different formulations available, you can choose the most suitable one for your specific needs.
  • Quick action: Voltarol starts working within minutes and provides long-lasting relief.

While Voltarol is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, it is important to follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare professional if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications.

In conclusion, Voltarol, also known as diclofenac, is a powerful NSAID that effectively reduces pain and inflammation by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins. Its various formulations offer versatility in pain management, making it a popular choice among individuals seeking relief from a wide range of conditions. Remember to always use Voltarol as directed and consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

The Benefits of Using Voltarol

Voltarol, also known by its generic name diclofenac, is a highly effective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It is widely used to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation caused by various conditions. Let’s explore some of the key benefits of using Voltarol.

1. Powerful Pain Relief

One of the primary benefits of Voltarol is its ability to provide powerful pain relief. Whether you’re suffering from chronic joint pain, muscle sprains, or even dental pain, Voltarol can help alleviate your discomfort. By inhibiting the production of certain chemical substances in the body known as prostaglandins, Voltarol effectively reduces pain signals, allowing you to experience much-needed relief.

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2. Anti-inflammatory Properties

Voltarol belongs to the NSAID family, which means it possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a common response in the body that occurs as a result of tissue damage or infection. However, excessive inflammation can lead to pain, swelling, and discomfort. Voltarol works by reducing inflammation, making it an excellent choice for conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, and bursitis.

3. Versatile Application

Another advantage of using Voltarol is its versatility in application. It is available in various forms, including tablets, gels, and patches, allowing you to choose the most convenient option for your specific needs. The gel form of Voltarol is particularly useful for localized pain relief, while the tablet form provides a systemic effect, targeting pain throughout the body.

4. Fewer Side Effects

Compared to some other NSAIDs, Voltarol has a lower risk of causing certain side effects, such as stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. Researchers have found that Voltarol has a lower propensity to affect the protective lining of the stomach, reducing the risk of adverse effects on the digestive system. However, like any medication, Voltarol may still cause side effects, and it is always important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional.

5. Fast-Acting Relief

When you’re in pain, waiting for relief can feel unbearable. Fortunately, Voltarol offers fast-acting relief to help you get back to your daily activities. Studies have shown that Voltarol gel, in particular, can start to provide pain relief within as little as 15 minutes of application. This quick onset of action allows you to experience relief when you need it most.

In conclusion, Voltarol is a trusted NSAID that provides powerful pain relief, reduces inflammation, offers versatile application options, has fewer side effects compared to some other NSAIDs, and delivers fast-acting relief. Whether you’re dealing with joint pain, muscle strains, or other inflammatory conditions, Voltarol may be just what you need to find relief and improve your quality of life.

5. Common side effects of Voltarol

While Voltarol can effectively relieve pain and inflammation, it may also cause certain side effects. It is important to be aware of these potential side effects before using the medication. Common side effects of Voltarol may include:

  • Stomach discomfort: Voltarol can sometimes lead to stomach pain, nausea, indigestion, or diarrhea. It is recommended to take the medication with food to reduce the chances of experiencing stomach-related side effects.
  • Headache: Some individuals may experience mild to moderate headaches as a result of using Voltarol. If the headache persists or becomes severe, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional.
  • Dizziness: Voltarol has the potential to cause dizziness or lightheadedness in certain individuals. It is recommended to avoid activities that require mental alertness, such as driving or operating heavy machinery, until the effects of the medication are better understood.
  • Rash or skin irritation: In some cases, Voltarol can cause skin reactions such as rashes, itching, or redness. If any skin irritation occurs after using the medication, it is important to seek medical attention to determine the appropriate course of action.
  • Fluid retention and swelling: Certain individuals may experience fluid retention and swelling in the body while using Voltarol. It is important to monitor any sudden or excessive swelling and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.

It is essential to note that these side effects are relatively uncommon, and not everyone who uses Voltarol will experience them. However, it is always recommended to be informed about the potential risks associated with any medication.

If you encounter any severe side effects or allergic reactions, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, or sudden swelling of the face, lips, or throat, it is crucial to seek immediate medical assistance or call emergency services.

For more detailed information on the side effects of Voltarol, you can visit reliable sources such as the NHS website or consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.


$0,51 for pill


Active ingredient: Diclofenac

Dosage: 100mg

The Use of Voltarol in Treating Inflammation and Pain

Voltarol, also known by its generic name diclofenac, is a widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). This medication has proven to be effective in managing various conditions that cause inflammation and pain.

Here are some key aspects regarding the use of Voltarol:

1. Indications for Use

Voltarol is primarily prescribed for the treatment of conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and musculoskeletal disorders. Additionally, it can be used to reduce post-operative pain, including dental surgery.

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2. Mode of Action

Voltarol works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, which are chemicals in the body responsible for inflammation, pain, and fever. By reducing the levels of prostaglandins, Voltarol helps alleviate symptoms and provides relief.

3. Dosage and Administration

The dosage of Voltarol varies depending on the condition being treated and the severity of the symptoms. It is available in different forms, including tablets, gels, and patches. Always follow the prescribed dosage and instructions provided by your healthcare professional.

4. Precautions and Side Effects

It is important to be aware of potential side effects and precautions associated with Voltarol. Common side effects may include gastrointestinal discomfort, headaches, dizziness, and skin reactions. Certain individuals, such as those with a history of ulcers or bleeding disorders, may need to exercise caution when using this medication.

Remember to consult your healthcare professional before starting or altering any medication regimen, as they can provide personalized advice based on your medical history.

5. Interactions with Other Medications

It is crucial to inform your doctor or pharmacist about all the medications you are currently taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements. Some medications, such as blood thinners and certain antidepressants, may interact with Voltarol, potentially leading to adverse effects.

6. Unpopular Names for Voltarol

While Voltarol is the commonly recognized brand name for diclofenac, it is worth noting that this medication is marketed under different names globally. Some less-known names for Voltarol include Cataflam, Zipsor, and Cambia. Regardless of the name, the active ingredient remains diclofenac.

7. Additional Resources

If you are seeking more detailed information about Voltarol and its uses, consider visiting reputable sources such as:

Always rely on trusted sources for accurate and up-to-date information about medications.

Remember, Voltarol (diclofenac) should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. If you experience any concerning symptoms or have questions about its use, contact your healthcare provider promptly.

7. Potential Side Effects of Voltarol

While Voltarol can effectively relieve pain and inflammation, it’s essential to be aware of possible side effects that may occur. A thorough understanding of these side effects can help you make an informed decision about using this medication.

7.1 Common side effects

Some individuals may experience common side effects with Voltarol, which are usually mild and temporary. These side effects may include:

  • Stomach pain or discomfort
  • Indigestion or heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Headache
  • Dizziness

If any of these common side effects persist or become bothersome, it is advisable to contact your healthcare provider for further guidance.

7.2 Serious side effects

Although less common, Voltarol may cause serious side effects. If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek immediate medical attention:

  • Signs of an allergic reaction (e.g., hives, rash, itching, difficulty breathing)
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Unexplained weight gain or swelling
  • Black or bloody stools
  • Vomiting blood or material that resembles coffee grounds
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)
  • Severe headache or confusion
  • Unusual bruising or bleeding
  • Blurred vision or changes in vision
  • Severe skin reactions such as a rash, blistering, or peeling

It is crucial not to ignore these serious side effects, as they may indicate a severe allergic reaction or other serious complications.

7.3 Precautions and Warnings

Prior to using Voltarol, it is important to take certain precautions and be aware of potential interactions or contraindications. Some key points to consider include:

  • Inform your healthcare provider about any allergies or sensitivities to diclofenac or other NSAIDs.
  • Discuss your medical history, especially if you have a history of stomach or intestinal ulcers, kidney or liver disease, high blood pressure, asthma, or bleeding disorders.
  • Avoid combining Voltarol with other NSAIDs or blood thinners unless specifically instructed by your healthcare provider.
  • Follow the prescribed dosage and duration of treatment to minimize the risk of side effects.
  • If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before using Voltarol.

Remember, these precautions are not exhaustive, and it is crucial to consult your healthcare provider or refer to reliable sources for comprehensive information on using Voltarol safely.

Always consult your healthcare professional before starting any medication to ensure it is suitable for your individual circumstances.

Category: Pain Relief

Tags: Voltarol, Diclofenac